Arthur Whitney is (in)famous for his laconic style. The following is a memory allocator in C:
include "k.h"
I MZ[31]=[1];Z I MM[31];mi(){MZ[7]=MZ[13]=MZ[19]=MZ[25]=2;DO(30,MZ[i+1]+=MZ[i]2)}
Z mmr(n,i){if(i<18)i=18;R err(2,n),tmp((MZ[i]+2)<<2),1;} / Dan MZ[i+1]? /
C mab(m)unsigned m;{I p,r,i=2,n=m;for(n=(n+3)>>4;n;n>>=1)++i;
do{if(p=MM[i])R MM[i]=(I)p,(C)p;for(n=i;n<30;)if(p=MM[++n]){
for(MM[n]=(I)p,p[-1]=i;i=i)continue;} while(mmr(m,i));}
I ma(m){R(I)mab(m<<2);}
mf(p)I p;{I i=p[-1];p=(I)MM[i],MM[i]=p;}
mb(p,n)I p;{I i=31,j;for(n-=2,++p;i--;)if(j=MZ[i],j<=n)n-=j,p=i,mf(p+1),p+=j;}
mc(){R 0;}
I mz(){Z I b[31];I p;DO(31,for(b[i]=0,p=MM[i];p;p=(I)p)++b[i])R b;}
where k.h
includes macros such as
typedef long I;typedef char C;
#define R return
#define Z static
This style makes code easier to navigate because it all fits in one page. Programming in this style is more interactive; one only needs a few key presses before seeing output.
To the chagrin of the intellectually incurious/intolerant, Arthur Whitney does not write bugs. log4j has 60,000 lines of tests in Java but it allowed remote code execution by (injudicious) design. In the end, the only thing that matters is the thing. Unit tests, code reviews, CI, style guides are nothing to technical matters.