A set of curated examples to show ATS' capacities for functional and imperative programming, wherein we sum the numbers \(1..n\) many times:


fun sum {m:nat} .<m>. (x : int(m)) :<> int = case+ x of | 0 => 0 | n =>> x + sum(x - 1)

Recursion + Stack-Allocated Closure

fun sum {m:nat}(x : int(m)) : int = let var go = fix@ loop (i : [i:nat] int(i)) : int => case+ i of | 0 => 0 | n =>> i + loop(i - 1) in go(x) end

Recursion + Call-by-Reference

fn sum {m:nat}(x : int(m)) :<!wrt> int = let fun loop {n:nat} .<n>. (y : int(n), res : &int? >> int) :<!wrt> void = case+ y of | 0 => res := 0 | n =>> (loop(y - 1, res) ; res := res + y) var res: int val () = loop(x, res) in res end


%{ int sum(int n) { int i, sum = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { sum += i; } return sum; } %}

extern fn sum(intGte(0)) :<> intGte(0) = "mac#"

For Loop

fn sum {m:nat}(x : int(m)) :<!wrt> int = let var res: int = 0 var i: int val () = for* { i : nat | i <= m } .<i>. (i : int(i)) => (i := x ; i > 0 ; i := i - 1) (res := res + i) in res end

While Loop

fn sum {m:nat}(x : int(m)) :<!wrt> int = let var res: int = 0 var i: int = x val () = while* { i : nat | i <= m } .<i>. (i : int(i)) => (i > 0) (res := res + i ; i := i - 1) in res end

Recursion + Stack-Allocated Variable

fn sum {m:nat}(x : int(m)) :<!wrt> int = let fun loop {n:nat}{l:addr} .<n>. (pf : !int @ l | n : int(n), res : ptr(l)) :<!wrt> void = case+ n of | 0 => () | n =>> let val () = !res := !res + n in loop(pf | n - 1, res) end var ret: int with pf = 0 val () = loop(pf | x, addr@ret) in ret end

Linear Streams

fn sum {m:nat}(x : int(m)) :<!ntm> int = let fun build_stream {i:nat} .<i>. (y : int(i)) :<> stream_vt(int) = case+ y of | 0 => $ldelay(stream_vt_nil) | n =>> $ldelay(stream_vt_cons(y, build_stream(y - 1))) fun fold_stream(xs : stream_vt(int)) :<!ntm> int = case+ !xs of | ~stream_vt_nil() => 0 | ~stream_vt_cons (y, ys) => y + fold_stream(ys) in fold_stream(build_stream(x)) end


datatype list0f(a: t@ype, x: t@ype+) = | list0_consf of (a, x) | list0_nilf of ()

abstype functor_type(a: t@ype, x: t@ype+) = ptr

typedef functor(a: t@ype, x: t@ype+) = functor_type(a, x)

extern fun {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype}{t:t@ype} map (a -<cloref1> b, functor(t,a)) : functor(t, b)

typedef algebra(a: t@ype, x: t@ype) = functor(a, x) -<cloref1> x typedef coalgebra(a: t@ype, x: t@ype) = x -<cloref1> functor(a, x)

fun {b:t@ype}{a:t@ype}{t:t@ype} hylo(f : algebra(t, b), g : coalgebra(t, a), x : a) : b = f(map(lam x0 => hylo(f, g, x0), g(x)))

absimpl functor_type(a, x) = list0f(a, x)

implement {a}{b}{t} map (f, x) = case+ x of | list0_consf (x, xs) => list0_consf(x, f(xs)) | list0_nilf() => list0_nilf

fn sum (x : intGte(0)) : int = let fn alg(xs : list0f(int, int)) : int = case+ xs of | list0_consf (x, xs) => x + xs | list0_nilf() => 0 fn coalg(x : int) : list0f(int, int) = case+ x of | 0 => list0_nilf | x => list0_consf(x, x - 1) in hylo(lam x0 => alg(x0), lam x1 => coalg(x1), x) end