A question in compiler design is: what optimizations should a given compiler perform? Optimizations for functional languages in particular are not well-known; it is not obvious which optimizations will provide the greatest speedup on user code.
In our example, we count lengths of Collatz sequences, computed via Elgot algebras.
Here is the Haskell function:
import Control.Recursion
collatzLength :: Integral a => a -> a
collatzLength = elgot algebra elgotCoalgebra
where algebra Nil = 0
algebra (Cons _ x) = x + 1
elgotCoalgebra 1 = Left 1
elgotCoalgebra n
| n `mod` 2 == 0 = Right $ Cons n (div n 2)
| otherwise = Right $ Cons n (3 * n + 1)
And here is the same function implemented in ATS:
staload "$PATSHOMELOCS/either-0.2.4/either.sats"
datatype list0f(a: t@ype, x: t@ype+) =
| list0_consf of (a, x)
| list0_nilf of ()
abstype functor_type(a: t@ype, x: t@ype+) = ptr
typedef functor(a: t@ype, x: t@ype+) = functor_type(a, x)
fun {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype}{t:t@ype} map (a -<cloref1> b, functor(t,a)) : functor(t, b)
typedef algebra(a: t@ype, x: t@ype) = functor(a, x) -<cloref1> x
typedef elgot_coalgebra(a: t@ype, b: t@ype, x: t@ype) = x -<cloref1> either(b, functor(a,x))
fun {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype}{x:t@ype} elgot(f : algebra(x, a), g : elgot_coalgebra(x, a, b), x : b) : a =
either_(lam x0 =<cloref1> x0, lam x0 =<cloref1> f(map(lam y0 => elgot(f, g, y0), x0)), g(x))
absimpl functor_type(a, x) = list0f(a, x)
implement {a}{b}{t} map (f, x) =
case+ x of
| list0_consf (x, xs) => list0_consf(x, f(xs))
| list0_nilf() => list0_nilf
fn collatz_length(n : intGte(0)) : int =
fn alg(x : list0f(int, int)) :<> int =
case+ x of
| list0_nilf() => 0
| list0_consf (_, x) => 1 + x
fn elgot_coalg(n : int) :<> either(int, list0f(int,int)) =
case n of
| 1 => left(1)
| n => if n % 2 = 0 then
right(list0_consf(n, n / 2))
right(list0_consf(n, 3 * n + 1))
elgot(lam x0 =<cloref1> alg(x0), lam x0 =<cloref1> elgot_coalg(x0), n)
This is essentially the same thing, but we implement some library functionality ourselves (functors, recursion schemes).
We could not benchmark elgot_length(837799)
in ATS because it segfaulted.
Input | Language | Time |
2223 | Haskell | 286.5 ns |
2223 | Haskell (LLVM) | 293.9 ns |
2223 | Haskell (-O0 ) |
20.45 μs |
2223 | ATS (gcc) | 19.57 μs |
2223 | ATS (clang) | 18.59 μs |
2223 | ATS (icc) | 18.83 μs |
2223 | ATS (tcc) | 38.97 μs |
10971 | Haskell | 427.5 ns |
10971 | Haskell (LLVM) | 443.3 ns |
10971 | Haskell (-O0 ) |
30.27 μs |
10971 | ATS (gcc) | 35.68 μs |
10971 | ATS (clang) | 25.36 μs |
10971 | ATS (icc) | 34.76 μs |
10971 | ATS (tcc) | 62.02 μs |
106239 | Haskell | 571.4 ns |
106239 | Haskell (LLVM) | 685.1 ns |
106239 | Haskell (-O0 ) |
40.25 μs |
106239 | ATS (gcc) | 35.32 μs |
106239 | ATS (clang) | 34.57 μs |
106239 | ATS (icc) | 35.46 μs |
106239 | ATS (tcc) | 66.62 μs |
You can find the Haskell and ATS benchmarking setups here.
Because ATS performs no optimizations aside optimizing tail-recursion, this is in effect a comparison of GCC and GHC (ATS compiles to C).
It is widely accepted that GCC's optimizations are best-in-class; GCC regularly appears at the top of the computer language benchmarks game. However, this provides a compelling demonstration that the language benchmarks game fails to cover functional techniques.
Of course, it is easy to write a sensible implementation of collatz_length
ATS or C; what this demonstrates is that higher-level techniques that are
feasible via GHC become infeasible when using GCC: the Haskell code is around 56
times faster; compiling the Haskell code with -O0
confirms that it is
in fact GHC's optimization passes that speed it up.
Thus, though optimizations may not significantly improve the performance of adroitly written code, higher-level optimizations are essential to making functional techniques feasible.