One can use Jacinda to generate tags files for vim. This amounts to string processing with regular expressions, which we can do in a functional style, skirting Universal Ctags.
According to :help tags-file-format
, the format for a tags file is:
{tagname} {TAB} {tagfile} {TAB} {tagaddress}
In vim, a {tagaddress}
can be any ex command, and in fact using regular
expressions will ensure our tag files do not become outdated as quickly. For
sum prelude/fn.jac /^fn sum(x) :=$/;
Here is our code:
fn mkEx(s) :=
'/^' + s + '$/;';
fn processStr(s) :=
val line := split s /[ \(]+/
val outLine := sprintf '%s\t%s\t%s' (line.2 . fp . mkEx s)
in outLine end;
processStr"{%/fn +[[:lower:]][[:latin:]]*.*:=/}{`0}
This uses implicit syntax for streams, plus some familiar functional programming. /fn +[[:lower:]][[:latin:]]\*.\*:=/
matches only those lines
where a function is defined and /[ \\(]+/
splits away the fn
to get
the function name.
Note also the atypical (as yet undocumented) syntax for tuples; .
the separator rather than ,
One can run this on all .jac
files in a directory with:
fd '.jac$' -x ja run tags.jac -i > tags
This gives:
sum ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn sum(x) :=$/;
drop ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn drop(n, str) :=$/;
take ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn take(n, str) :=$/;
round ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn round(x) := |. (x+0.5);$/;
itostring ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn itostring() :=$/;
any ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn any(p, xs) :=$/;
all ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn all(p, xs) :=$/;
id ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn id(x) := x;$/;
fromMaybe ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn fromMaybe(a, x) :=$/;
replace ./prelude/fn.jac /^fn replace(re, t, str) :=$/;
path ./examples/path.jac /^fn path(x) :=$/;
printSpan ./examples/span.jac /^fn printSpan(str) :=$/;
mkEx ./examples/tags.jac /^fn mkEx(s) :=$/;
processStr ./examples/tags.jac /^fn processStr(s) :=$/;
I think this would be more useful in awk, since that is more universal than ctags, however, the example is a testament to Jacinda's utility.