You may have seen my post on co-(Elgot algebras),
in which I mentioned I had been using some exotic recursion schemes for my
package. I came across a similar example, this time for Mendler-style
recursion schemes. To my knowledge, it is the only published example of
a Mendler-style catamorphism.
The problem is the inverse of the last problem: given the of limbs (here
s), we wish to return Haskell's Integer
type. With a vanilla
catamorphism we can write the following:
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Word
wordListToInteger :: [Word64] -> Integer
wordListToInteger = cata a where
a Nil = 0
a (Cons x xs) = fromIntegral x + base * xs
We can write this as a Mendler-style catamorphism as follows:
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Word
asFix :: [a] -> Fix (ListF a)
asFix = cata Fix
wordListToInteger :: [Word64] -> Integer
wordListToInteger = mcata ma . asFix where
ma f (Cons x xs) = fromIntegral x + base * f xs
ma _ Nil = 0
This implementation is slightly slower than a simple catamorphism, so it was not published to Hackage, but hopefully it is instructive.