Inspired by a tweet, I decided to write an Old English name generator in Madlang. This would help my indecision (picking a favorite color is hard!), and it would unearth some limitations of Madlang.

Creating a feminine name generator was quite simple:

:define prefix 1.0 "Ead" 1.0 "Wulf" 1.0 "Ælf" 1.0 "Æthel" 1.0 "Cyne" 1.0 "Seax" 1.0 "Byrht" 1.0 "Leof"

:define feminine 1.0 "flæd" 1.0 "burh" 1.0 "wynn" 1.0 "gifu" 1.0 "thryth" 1.0 "gyth" 1.0 "waru" 1.0 "swith" 1.0 "lufu" 1.0 "hild" 1.0 "run"

:return 1.0 prefix feminine

This returned results as we would like:

Ælfgyth Eadwaru Wulfwynn Eadwynn Leofburh ...

As we can see, simple tasks are indeed simple in Madlang. There are some limitations however; I wanted to be able to include a translation alongside, and Madlang's nonexistent type system makes this impossible. Since any solution would be rather substantial changes to the language, I don't think either will come to pass anytime soon, but future emendations to the language should be made with the goal of allowing such agreement.