Vanessa McHale's blog (10)
  • Names in Haskell Compilers

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    One common oversight in Haskell compilers is failing to intern identifiers using Ints and failing to prefer IntMaps and IntSets. The PureScript compiler, for instance, uses Maps as of writing.

  • Finding Cruft in Patches With Jacinda

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    Suppose we want to clean up all TODOs in a branch before merging. We can check for TODOs introduced with

  • Generating Other-extensions for Cabal Files

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    One would like to be able to find all language extensions in a given Haskell project in order to populate the other-extensions field of the .cabal file (cabal-install uses this for dependency resolution).

  • Transparent Programming

    by Vanessa McHale | Vector Languages

    J and APL support (and encourage) a certain form of programming without error handling or library code reuse. The alternative wisdom goes against typical programming but it works together.

  • For Loops Considered Harmful

    by Vanessa McHale | Vector Languages

    Recently, a post touting Numba was published. However, the example—a for loop—is unconvincing.
