Vanessa McHale's blog (22)
  • Euler's Totient Function in ATS

    by Vanessa McHale | ATS

    Here I present two ways to write Euler's totient function in ATS. First we write our primality check:

  • Speeding up Math With ATS

    by Vanessa McHale | ATS

    I started work on my ATS math library recently; though I'm not sure it will be a wholehearted success, there were parts that deserve attention.

  • Permutations in Idris

    by Vanessa McHale | Idris

    I saw a recent Advent of Code problem, and I was a bit surprised to see that part 1 was basically what I had been working on with my permutations library for Idris.

  • Advanced Control Flow

    by Vanessa McHale | Programming

    Three examples of recursion schemes drawn from mathematics, showing the use of linked lists as control structures.

  • Rewrite It in ATS

    by Vanessa McHale | ATS

    In this tutorial, we reimplement several of wc's features in ATS. The core logic (as we shall see) is relatively simple, and we end up with something that's competitive with C with relatively little effort.
