Vanessa McHale's blog (3)
  • Optimizing Array Code With Inferred Type Information

    by Vanessa McHale | Vector Languages

    Apple, being a JIT compiler with shape types, is able to do a number of optimizations based on inferred dimension (and rank). Rank is almost always known in practice, so such optimizations are pertinent.

  • Streaming Compression/decompression in Haskell via Laziness

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    In Haskell, one can present a streaming compression/decompression API with lazy bytestrings.

  • Lessons from Writing an Array Compiler II

    by Vanessa McHale | Compilers

    I just finished adding another mid-end to my Apple JIT compiler, motivated to get rank facilities right. However, there remain significant shortfalls.

  • Statically Typed Interactive Array Languages: a Manifesto

    by Vanessa McHale | Vector Languages

    I implemented the Apple array system with the aim of tidying up some of the shortcomings of J, with which I am familiar.

  • Testing Is Orthogonal to Correctness

    by Vanessa McHale | Computer Science

    Testing is widespread in programming, but correctness in programming is mostly assured by construction. Testing prods a "black box"; this is appealing in that libraries are presented to users as black boxes, but, as we shall see, it is limited in what it can accomplish for deep logical reasons.
