Computer Science
  • C Converges to Intuitionistic Logic

    by Vanessa McHale | Computer Science

    C has a reputation for being a "hacker" language, in contrast to say Haskell, which is abstract with ties to logic and category theory. There is even the quip "C is a portable assembler".

  • Logic Programming Doesn't Work in the Real World

    by Vanessa McHale | Computer Science

    Logic programming fails for many reasons; interestingly it fails to integrate with imperative programming or export its constructs. Haskell's monadic I/O—explicitly passing a RealWorld—offers a nice demonstration.

  • The Moral Imperative to Type Imperative Languages With Linear Logic

    by Vanessa McHale | Computer Science

    "Linear Types can change the world." Lafont has shown us how to create a linear abstract machine. Yet the moral imperative to use linear types in computer science is not widely appreciated.

  • Compiler Technologies behind Logics

    by Vanessa McHale | Computer Science

    As I wrote elsewhere, garbage collection—manual memory management correspond to intuitionistic logic—linear logic. So garbage collection is a technology with logical implications.