  • Projective Programming

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    I read a recent Functional Pearl by Hinze and this inspired me to write up an example of projective programming and its motivation in logic/model theory.

  • Curry vs Uncurry on Hackage

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    This post was inspired by a curious question on Twitter: is curry or uncurry more common in Haskell code?

  • Benchmarking Code Produced by Different Versions of GHC

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    Though it does not often get mentioned in the Haskell community, simply bumping to a new version of GHC can drastically improve the performance of your code. Here, I have several examples from my fast-arithmetic package, which will hopefully give an idea of just how much work has gone into optimizing code produced by GHC.

  • Uncanny Haskell

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    Below, I have collected several examples of "uncanny" Haskell. These are things that may be surprising to those who have learned the language merely by doing.

  • Mendler-style Catamorphisms

    by Vanessa McHale | Haskell

    You may have seen my post on co-(Elgot algebras), in which I mentioned I had been using some exotic recursion schemes for my gmpint package. I came across a similar example, this time for Mendler-style recursion schemes. To my knowledge, it is the only published example of a Mendler-style catamorphism.
