  • Termination Checking Is Theorem Proving

    by Vanessa McHale | Programming

    The totient function is defined for positive integers as:

  • Polyglot Is the Fastest Code-counting Tool Available

    by Vanessa McHale | Programming

    As you may know, I have been working on polyglot for some time now. It is now the second-most popular ATS project on github0 and it has reached a state of relative maturity.

  • Benchmarking the Edit Distance

    by Vanessa McHale | Programming

    As a follow-up to my post on computing the Levenshtein distance in ATS, I figured I'd write up some of the actual benchmark results, as well as some of the subtleties involved in benchmarking various ecosystems.

  • A Look at the Packages on Hackage

    by Vanessa McHale | Programming

    Initially, I had written hackage-fetch to see if there was any use of coelgot anywhere on Hackage. At the time, there was not, but this has changed due to my gmpint package. As of writing, it is not surprisingly the only use of co-(Elgot algebra)s on the entirety of Hackage.

  • Using ATS Libraries in Haskell

    by Vanessa McHale | Programming

    I've talked about polyglot ATS/Haskell builds previously, but I wanted to show off the results of all this work without so much didactic focus.
