Linear logic is often introduced with unintuitive and contrived examples involving food. For computer scientists, linear logic is well motivated by memory management à la C.
One of the virtues of J is its conciseness; I think this is underrated in exploratory programming. Here I present some J one-liners alongside samples of other languages.
I stumbled across a comment by András Kovács on compiler performance, which brought up some of the difficulties writing adequate compilers in lower-level languages such as C++ or Rust.
Recently, a preprint by Hall et al. was published: a comparison of keto and plant-based diets. The gist of it is that a low-fat plant-based diet is more satiating than keto; those eating an unlimited plant-based diet will eat less than those eating an unlimited keto diet.
I have seen "strict data structures, lazy functions" bandied about among Haskellers. This is bad advice. Preferable is "know what you are doing."
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