Streaming via a C API presents a conundrum in Haskell: on the one hand, the C code is side effecting, on the other, we would like to provide a lazy API.
Compared with Rust, ATS provides better type safety at the boundaries; foreign functions and data structures can be used in a first-class way without sacrificing type safety.
You may have seen the Some Were Meant for C polemic; I do not agree with it completely but I encourage you to read it if you have not. Here, I give some comments on ATS and Rust in light of it.
Though there are diverse tools for Haskell development many are not widely advertised; here I collect those I use.
ATS is known for its sophisticated type system, but it also has a template system that has been the focus of recent work. Rather than going into technical details or comparing templates to other forms of generic programming, I wanted to give an example.
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