  • Sed Examples in Jacinda

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    The GNU sed manual offers the following to join backslash-continued lines:

  • Imitating Cloc With Jacinda

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    Jacinda can imitate cloc by combining it with other command-line tools on the Unix command-line, viz.

  • Finding Cruft in Patches With Jacinda

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    Suppose we want to clean up all TODOs in a branch before merging. We can check for TODOs introduced with

  • Generating Other-extensions for Cabal Files

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    One would like to be able to find all language extensions in a given Haskell project in order to populate the other-extensions field of the .cabal file (cabal-install uses this for dependency resolution).

  • Generating Vim Tags With Jacinda

    by Vanessa McHale | Jacinda

    One can use Jacinda to generate tags files for vim. This amounts to string processing with regular expressions, which we can do in a functional style, skirting Universal Ctags.